Top Pet Peeves

By | November 21, 2012

Top Pet Peeves

Welp, Black Friday is approaching. Black Friday is “black” because it brings out the worst in everyone. The stressed out, the annoyed, the greedy, the hungry.

I’m probably gonna just avoid it altogether. I get annoyed really, really easily. My husband has told me on multiple occasions that I have more pet peeves than anyone he’s ever met.

Here is a short list of my pet peeves. Keep in mind that I’m rattling this off the top of my head, and I know I’m forgetting a BUNCH of the ones that only come out when provoked.

 My Pet Peeves

1. Loud chewing/eating. Gross.

2. Saying “like,” or “absolutely,” or “sure” too much.

3. Music that plays when you’re on hold. Cringe.

4. A booger hanging out of a kid’s nose and left untended. Just get it out!

5. People who eat their boogers. Makes me want to die.

6. When someone says there is “only two minutes left of this game” and they’re talking about football. Lies.

7. Barney, Caillou, Agent Oso, and Dora.

8. Blog commenters who say, “I’m following you now. Please come follow me!” It never works.

9. Anniversaries for everything.

10.Eating in bed. Only ice cream is permissible. Everything else leaves crumbs.

There’s also this other thing that bugs me. Mall kiosks. Or more specifically, a mall kiosk salesman. Ready for a rant? Watch this video!


The Kiosk Salesman

Top Pet Peeves

This post was inspired by MamaKat’s vlogging challenge. Wanna jump into some vlogging fun? Don’t be shy–join us next week!

39 thoughts on “Top Pet Peeves

  1. Jeanne

    I’m right there with you on nearly all of those pet peeves. Don’t even get me started on Dora! lol. Found you through SITS.

  2. Lacey

    I definitely agree with you on some of these. I try not to let too many things get to me, but sometimes you can’t help it. I refuse to let my children watch Agent Oso. He is way too stupid to be a “special agent” and I don’t want him making my kids dumb. Also, the anniversary thing. My husband and I barely even celebrate our marriage anniversary and i think its the only thing worth celebrating . And you can’t call it an anniversary if you’ve been dating for 6 month.

  3. misssrobin

    Gotta agree with you on just about everything! One of my worst pet peeves is when I am attending a concert or play or something that my kids are performing in and there are teens talking through the whole thing or little kids running and clunking around while their parents do nothing — especially when I am videotaping! Ugh!

    1. hillary

      Ooh haven’t even thought of that yet. Yah, I would probably just wanna whack them.

  4. Kim@Co-Pilot Mom

    I am with you on the 2 minute warning thing. Two ‘minutes? Are they kidding? Time is measured much differently in the sports world. Also, I am a little afraid of kiosk salespeople. I don’t want to get stopped so I avoid eye contact and appear very busy suddenly.

  5. thedoseofreality

    HA, HA, HA! I happen to have my fair share of pet peeves, as well, but you have totally gotten with the mall kiosk people…just thinking about them has my blood pressure elevated! ????

  6. Holly Lefevre

    Like you would totally hate me in real life.. Like I totally say like way too much…but I am aware and desperately trying to change that! Calliou is my argument that PBS is not any better than those other channels.

  7. barbara

    Great list! I agree with many of yours… would have to add a few of my own too…

    Love the kiosk one!! ????

    I also never managed to have the famous breakfast in bed… It just isn’t comfortable trying desperately not to spill anything, in vain and then having to shake out all the crumbs… Don’t know who invented such a dumb idea!!

  8. pamela

    If I made a pet peeve list, pretty much every single thing on your list would make it on mine as well.

    Other than the on-hold music…that keeps me sane when it’s been a little too long.

  9. Aleta

    Sadly, I cringed at a good many of your pet peeves, because I share the same ones. My husband would be in agreement with the first, especially as there’s this one particular friend who chews food and talks (spits) at the same time. Ugh.

  10. nicolette @ the classroom creative

    How about Chicago bloggers who talk like truck drivers? lol…

    1. hillary

      Bahahaha! Thanks for the sweet comment! Hope you’ve had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well!

  11. ilene

    Loud chewing – yes yes yes! Caillou – triple yes! And yes to the mall kiosk salesmen! Your vlog is adorable by the way! And you are so darn pretty!

    1. hillary

      Oh thank you! I’m trying to be better about vlogging. Took me many years to get comfortable with it!

  12. Natalia

    Do I, like, do # 2 too much? Sure? ???? But seriously the anniversary thing? I can’t stand it. I barely remember my wedding anniversary let alone when we first kissed or whatever. Or months- “it’s our 6 month anniversary!” We’ll it’s not an anniversary if you haven’t made it a year!!

  13. alison

    Hahaha! My husband hates to hear people chew. I was eating a banana quietly in bed (ice cream is better) and it drove him nuts. It wasn’t even crunchy haha. Oh and I can’t stand the blog commenter thing. That happens on IG now too and drives me nuts!!

    1. hillary

      Yah, I side with your hubby. Bananas make the grossest sound when chewed. And the Instagram commenting is just like so offensive. Why? It was not intended for numbers. So irritating.

  14. karen

    Love the post…Oh Caillou and Dora annoy me too… a necessary evil to keep the boy quiet. I hate loud chewing too and with thier mouths open…eeeeewww…

  15. Pricilla J. Designs

    I’m with you…the sound of chewing is absolutely infuriating to me. My husband and I leave the t.v. on while we eat. There’s a name for for it…misophonia. We have a lot of others in common too. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Karen and Gerard

    When my husband gets impatient waiting for me sometimes, I’ll tell him I’ll be there in just a minute (football time).

  17. Kim

    “I’ll be there in a minute….in football time.” Priceless! I would get so annoyed when my kids would do that to me, but I was so guilty for so many years of doing it to my husband. He was so sweetly understanding most of the time, but I am much more aware now of how annoying it is.

  18. DGMommy (Tamara)

    We are on the same page! I agree with it all… except, sometimes, the booger thing. Not the eating one, the hanging one. But only if it’s my kid and I’ve already wiped his nose 300 times that day. Sometimes I just need a break.

    9 surgeries? Were you a ballerina?!!

    1. hillary

      Haha! I am CONSTANTLY wiping noses. No, I wasn’t a ballerina. Just really bad luck. And rheumatoid arthritis.

  19. Stefani @ Miss Jo and Co.

    The anniversary thing? Heck yes. If I see another person celebrate the second time they kissed or something…I’m gonna lose it.

    1. hillary

      Right! First time we held hands. First time we fought. First time we went to In n OUt. grrrr.

  20. Savvy Working Gal

    I would like to add saying “whatever”, “just sayin’” or referring to your significant other as “the wife” or “the girl friend.” Dousing yourself in perfume and then standing next to me at the gym.

    I now feel so much better. Kiosk salespeople are on my list as well.

  21. Jen

    Ok #8… yes! And #3 and #7 and… oh heck, I agree with you on all of them.

  22. Greg White

    The list is so funny! I admit some of them are my pet peeves too. So please follow me ahaha just kiddin’

  23. Carolina

    Hey, I am now following your blog! Come follow me back……. Totally just pushing your buttons there ????

    1. hillary

      Yes! We are sisters from another mister hahaha! My kids hate it when I de-boogify them. I actually just figured out a way (and this probably sounds so wrong) but I wrap a Qtip in a tissue and then use that to get them out. My daughter doesn’t mind because “it hurts” her when I do it any other way.


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