rheumatoid arthritis

By | July 1, 2013

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**This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Lifescript.com

Ok guys, those of you who have stuck with me from the beginning KNOW where I’ve come from.

I mean, RIGHT?

I don’t let a day pass where I don’t remember and recognize where I was just two years ago.

surgery from ra

Rheumatoid arthritis.

I called it my Dark Passenger. If you watch Dexter you’ll catch the double entendre.

That Dark Passenger was put away when I went into remission. And yet, it’s tentacles clung to bits of me that weren’t looking.


Oh so much pain. If there is one thing that RA has taught me it is that pain is the breaking point. The catalyst. The final say.

When you find yourself in excruciating pain, you become a slave to it. You live to feed it’s hunger and beg for mercy at each meal. All you desire is a break. A small respite from those chains wrapped around your joints.

While I’m in remission right now, I often wonder if it will come back. I worry that my next pregnancy (like, in a few years) will trigger it again. My son’s birth and the postpartum hormonal change were the triggers for that horrible flare.

There are things that I can actively do to make sure that even if it does come back, I’ll be ready for it with the best health possible. I know so much more about RA now than when I first learned my diagnosis. A huge part of battling RA is being educated about it.

rheumatoid arthritis

A really great place to start learning about RA is Lifescript.com. Lifescript.com is a website dedicated to women’s health and has a ton of information on diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Crohn’s and other autoimmune diseases.

Before I had RA, I was hardly even aware of such a thing as autoimmune disease. Now that I am on the other side of it, I am poignantly aware of how many people suffer from autoimmune problems. I have a heart for these people. I recognize them, care for them, and want to share in their battles. That being said, I also want to share any valuable information that I have.

What’s great about Lifescript.com is that it is both a medical and a lifestyle source. There are professional health writers, experts, and physicians contributing on the latest medical news and treatment. Additionally, you’ll find recipes, workout routines, and even stories from other patients battling diseases like RA.

If you have a medical condition like RA I strongly encourage you to visit Lifescript.com and poke around a bit. Take some of their quizzes, check out their recipes like their Quick Thai Chicken & Vegetable Curry {it looks delish!}. You can sign up for their newsletter and get a feed right to your inbox. Also, like them on Facebook and get news in your home feed.

Lifescript’s Rheumatoid Arthritis Health Center features tips, quizzes, recipes and articles – all by professional health writers, experts and physicians – covering common RA symptoms, foods that compose an anti-inflammatory diet, new RA therapies and more. Please visit the Lifescript Health Center on Rheumatoid Arthritis for more information.

And to check out this free website, click here!

This is a sponsored post by me on behalf of Lifescript.com.


3 thoughts on “rheumatoid arthritis

  1. Aleta

    Thank you for sharing this site. My closest friend, that I’ve known for 34 years, she has RA. She gets shots for it that help, but when those shots wear off, she can barely get out of bed. I hate to see her in that kind of pain. ????

  2. Kate Pantier @ Project Hermosa

    My mother-in-law suffers from a chronic illness & it’s not something you ever think about until you’re either living it or watching someone live it.

  3. Sarcasm Goddess

    I am so so glad you are pain free right now and I hope and pray that you stay that away!


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