Well hey! It’s been a year since I’ve posted.
Hyuck. hyuck. I love corny New Years jokes.
I enjoyed some time away, but in all honesty I missed blogging. No really! I had posts all ready in my head. December was going to be a full month…and then my computer died. Like, black screen of death–lost everything. Ugh. Pictures and documents–gone. Is it bad that I’m more upset about losing half-written documents than the endless photos of my children?
I need to examine my priorities.
Anyways. The computer is not fixed. I’m writing on an iPad. Oh, update: I got an iPad for Christmas! Husband exchanged his limitless data plan for an iPad for me. Yes, I know. Totally gift of the Magi.
So we’re in the New Year. I was excited for this year. While I don’t necessarily love the whole hoopla of New Year’s Eve, I do love the promise of the New Year. I love what it stands for.
I need resolutions. I’m ready for them every year. Sure, I don’t hardly ever meet them, but they stand as beaming guideposts when I venture out into the new year. In fact, New Years goals are so important to me that a family tradition was born out of them.
This year, I feel like these resolutions/goals are extra special. I’m 30. It’s kind of a big milestone, and I need goals/resolutions to measure progress. While I have a bunch of resolutions (including weight loss and learning to juggle), I want more than anything to have my year fall under a theme, rather than a list of goals. A word, if you will.
So my word?
It’s the word that circled round my brain while I was in labor with Tenny. It was the word that comforted me while I lay on the surgeon’s table during my c-section,
I came that they may have life in abundance.
Flourishing. Burgeoning. Exceeding capacity.
That’s what I want for my life. But I want it everyday. I want to live each day to the max and to feel as if I have exhausted myself in doing so. This means meeting goals and expectations that I set for myself. It also means being happy with what I’ve done with myself. I want to feel satisfied at the end of the day.
There are definitely some physical, spiritual, and personal implications involved in meeting this goal of abundance. I have along way to go, but already progress has been made! Tomorrow I’m going to share how I’m meeting this goal physically.
Do you have goals/resolutions for the new year? Or how about a word? What’s your word for the year?
Here’s to living abundantly in 2015!
[…] so yesterday I talked about my word for the year… Abundance. That’s a pretty high caliber word, […]
Oh Hillary, I love that. I feel like it’s about living life to the fullest and about thinking that you are worth that. You have inspired me!