Thrifty Thursday: Picture Spruce-Up

By | July 8, 2010

Short and sweet today. I promise. I have spent the last 24 hours writing a rough draft for a final paper, a rough draft of Chapter Two of my thesis, and an overview and outline of Chapter Three. All that to say—finally I don’t want to write a big old long post. But I do want to share an idea for Thrifty Thursday.

Totally free, fun, creative, and maybe a bunch of you already know about it and use it, but I’m still excited about it. Ready? Picnik. Have you heard about its wonders? Well, if you haven’t, here’s the quick scoop:
Basically its a free version of Photoshop.

 It doesn’t do nearly as much as photoshop, and you won’t sound as cool for using it, but if you’re just a dabbling amateur, or a photo-obsessed mom like me it will provide you with all (or most of) the little features you need to make your pictures look better. I’ve been using it for several months and absolutely love what it does! My favorite thing to do to my pictures is Cross-Process them. You’ll find it in the “effects” tab and here’s a visual of what it does to an ordinary picture:

Thrifty Thursday: Picture Spruce-Up

Can you see the difference? The cross-process just makes it look so much sweeter–at least I think so. Anyways, there’s a ton of other stuff on there and its totally free. If you want to do like airbrushing or a few other cosmetic things you have to pay a really low fee for a membership. But I don’t have one and I’m perfectly happy with all the other freebies on there.

And yep, that is all! Happy Thursday, everyone!

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