“Negotiations” from a six-year-old

By | November 12, 2014

So today is Coco’s sixth birthday. Cue the weeping and “time goes too fast” sentiments.

I’m pretty stoked at how this little girl is turning out. I don’t mean to brag, but I’m gonna brag. This girl has a lot going for her. I mean, the fact that she was able to bypass the Elsa costume and create her own fashionable witch ensemble speaks volumes, right?



Also, this little 6 year-old has got some great negotiating tactics. I bought some napkins the other day and for whatever reason Coco deemed them the perfect canvas for a series of letters slipped under my bedroom door. She wrote these all by herself, and so I have translated them for your pleasure.

My favorite is how she writes “actually”: achlee. I mean, makes sense, right?

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And with that, Coco decided that she better go to school. What I love about these letters, besides the fact that they are written on napkins and full of adorable spelling errors, is that they are a reflection of her thought process. I love that she started with hating school and ended with eating food to get strong.

Happy birthday, sweet girl. You are such a fun little person.

coco with foot

3 thoughts on ““Negotiations” from a six-year-old

  1. Thankful - Because my life is fascinating

    […] disclaimer? Coco gave me the idea. She started writing on a napkin again, and had to be all darling and sweet. Napkins just bring out the best in that girl…So now I […]

  2. kathy

    I love “achlee”! That word became my last born’s favorite. It was an early sign of his attention to detail and percission. It will be fun to see if it is the same for Coco.


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