How To Help Newtown

By | December 19, 2012

light in darkness

Hey guys,

How’s everyone doing? I’m pretty sure that the consensus would be that we’re all still reeling from the events of last week. It is nearly impossible to have a complete moment of joy and happiness without the subsequent aftershock of loss. I truly believe that we cannot be the same after such tragedy. We shouldn’t be. If your life is no different this week from last then you missed it, and as a human being you are expected to catch up.

On Monday I expressed my prayer for the families Newtown and for all immediately affected by Sandy Hook. I am still praying, as many of you are.

All across the blogosphere there has been activity and purpose. Individuals are rising up and following is not a ripple but a wave–a force ready to sweep in and shed light. There are several ways we can all be involved and I want to ask you guys to jump on board with me, and a million other bloggers in spreading light. You may already be doing this, you may have another game plan. That’s awesome.

1. The Snow Flakes. Have you heard about this? The Connecticut PTSA wants to welcome the students of Sandy Hook at their new school with a Winter Wonderland.


All clean. All white. All hand crafted.

Guys, this is simple but tangible. It’s something we can do with our children. It is a way we can touch these families and maybe make some kids smile. Be creative! Craft it with love and send your snowflakes to:

Connecticut PTSA, 60 Connolly Parkway, Building 12, Suite 103, Hamden, CT  06514, by January 12, 2013.

2.) 26 Random Acts Of Kindness. Someone somewhere thought of this first. I don’t know who that person is, but I would say that collectively a lot of people are wanting to do this.

This is exciting! Imagine if every fifth person in America decided to do 26 random acts of kindness? I’m telling you, it’s not a ripple but a wave that we need right here. It can be something as simple as buying someone’s coffee behind you in line, or washing someone’s windows while they’re in the grocery store. Go hang out with someone in a nursing home. Look for cars that have broken down on the freeway and BE that person they need right then! {have you ever been that person broken down? It sucks! And it takes FOREVER for someone to help}

I will be doing this with my family throughout the remainder of this month and into the new year. I would love it if you would join in!

3.) Give. People who are grieving should not have to worry about money or food or laundry. Unfortunately, those are pressing needs that have to be met. Roo over at NiceGirlNotes lives just a few towns away from Newtown. She has compiled a list of legitimate funds that you can give to. Go check out her post and see what you can do!

How To Help Newtown

Let’s put on the armor of light.

9 thoughts on “How To Help Newtown

  1. ilene

    I LOVE your ideas! This is the first I have heard about the snowflakes. That is a great idea! Thank you for all of these!

    1. hillary

      Thanks! I’m really excited to do the snowflakes. That’s something we can do with our kids!

    1. hillary

      I love the idea of giving someone a coffee date. We’ve been there–it would have meant the world if someone gave us a break.

  2. Chris Carter

    Awesome ideas to put purpose to our pain. Thank you for this!! It’s awful to sit and feel helpless in knowing people are hurting and suffering so much. Doing something-anything is just one way to shine a bit of “light in the darkness”.

  3. Mothering From Scratch

    {Melinda} Thanks so much for sharing this. I love all these ideas. There is so much pain and need in Newtown right now. And there are needs around us everyday that tragedies like this seem to make us more aware of. I want to take a sense of purpose and determination to show compassion in big and little ways everywhere I go. It is so easy to get tunnel vision.

    1. hillary

      Yes, especially for those of us who are far away from it all.

  4. Natalia

    This is great, Hillary. Love the random acts of kindness one. Well, I love all of them, but that’s really tangible for me to do right now. Thanks for sharing!

    1. hillary

      Thanks, gal. Yeah, I am trying to figure out all the things to do.


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