Disney Planes and Parenting

By | July 15, 2013


Ok, so something way exciting this way comes. Disney Planes, y’all.


This little mama to a little boy is very, very excited to have another fun Disney obsession infiltrate her home. No really, I am. The joy I’ve had in seeing my little guy fall in love with Toy Story, Monsters Inc, and Cars is indescribable. To see my special dude identify with Buzz Lightyear, Sully, and Lightning McQueen is exciting. It puts my little Chaucer on the map with the same young men who idolized Achilles, Beowulf, and Robin Hood. Sorry, Biebs. You didn’t make the cut. I’m a Lit nerd. English major. I GET the hero trajectory. It’s a real, identifiable thing.


It is important. And so I do not take lightly what cartoons and characters my son affiliates himself with.


How my son identifies with heroes on screen gives me insight to his personality and what kind of man he will someday become. I’ve seen this firsthand. My littlest bro grew up on Toy Story. Andrew really was “Andy.” Like, went to college the same year as Andy (he kept his toys). Sniff. He’s a compassionate, loyal, thoughtful man. I can’t believe I just called him a man. Phew. And then there’s this really cool guy who just happens to be my cousin, Brooks. Ok, so Brooks is my reference for the importance of developing passions in the young. As a toddler, Brooks was enchanted by all things airplanes. Couldn’t get enough of them. His parents fueled his enthusiasm by giving him the resources to learn about flying. Knowing this amazing guy, I wasn’t surprised to learn that he flew a plane (solo) before getting his driver’s license. Say what? No, really, he flies airplanes. So when I think about watching Disney’s Planes with my son, I think about Brooks and how his parents encouraged his dreams to become a tangible, possible, real acquirement. Chaucer is the sort of boy who fixates on things and becomes “obsessed.” For the last year his obsession has been Spiderman. And while I cannot encourage my son to become a superhero, I can encourage the positive aspects that hero-worship facilitates. Like bravery, kindness, loyalty, courage, endurance, strength, and oh, hey–valor. Wait, am I just quoting the Marine creed? Hmmm.


So this new film is about a cute little crop-duster named Dusty who harbors dreams of flying high and fast with the best of planes. Like the beloved underdogs of Disney lore, he has his fair share of obstacles. Dusty harbors a fear of heights–quite the tragic flaw when you’re an airplane. He’s a crop-duster, and while his job is important, it is not the least bit glamorous. Especially when you compare him to the fighter plane Skipper Riley or Ripslinger, the famous racing plane. One of the things that I can count on in a Disney movie is the influence it will have on my children. We always talk after we watch. Observation, discussion, analysis. These are good things, and I think that Disney really does facilitate this sort of discourse–even among the very young. Disney films have also proven to be quite the introspective exercise. Like, am I at ALL like “Mother” from Tangled? Oh heavens, I hope not. I will admit, seeing her passive aggressive behavior in cartoon really does give me pause. Thanks, Disney. After watching the trailers and reading up on the characters, I have decided that the character I most identify with in Planes is Dottie, the forklift. Now, here’s an important thing to know about Dottie: she is Dusty’s biggest fan, but she’s also a very practical little forklift. She understands the risks and the disappointments at stake for Dusty. A crop-duster really shouldn’t aspire to be a racing plane, right? A two-year-old really shouldn’t be obsessed with planes, right? Wrong. I want to be the kind of parent who encourages dreams.


While grounded in reality, I want to show my children that they can indeed live their dreams. It’s all about providing them with the resources, yes? What if you were the parent of an Olympic gymnast? What if your child was the next Picasso? What role would you play in facilitating those dreams? At heart, I am a realist. Always have been. Probably always will be. But I’ll be darned if I let that get in the way of my kid’s dream. Sure, I’ll counsel to my best ability. I’ll draw in the cause, effect, and yes, the consequence of every action. But if my tone-deaf child really wants to sing on American Idol, I’ll certainly drive them to their audition. {And hug them after they get booed off.} I think that’s who I am. I want my kids to try new things–to take risks. But I can also see the fall-out, and I have to bite my tongue to not spoil their enthusiasm. Strength and weakness, combined.


I cannot wait to take Chaucer to see Planes. Another fork in the road, another parenting moment. This is the stuff that drives me.  


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Be sure to visit the Disney Planes page on BlogHer.com where you can read other bloggers’ reviews and find more chances to win!

104 thoughts on “Disney Planes and Parenting

  1. Thomas Murphy


  2. Jennifer

    I sit with my kids once a month to make a schedule, and I love when they have tons of feedback! IT’s something to look forward to every month, even if it is as small as a trip to the library or learning a new sport!

    I also show my kids that hard work pays off, my husband and I are in the process of opening our own business, so the kids really see how things can happen if you really try!

  3. Amy Lucas

    I was too afraid of failing to try new things as a kid. I try to encourage my kids to try new things and make mistakes. It’s not a bad thing. All of our failures teach us something!

  4. Heather S

    I encourage my kids my kids by encouraging them to do anything they set their mind to. My motto to them is the bible verse “With God all things are possible.”

  5. tracy p.

    Tweeted here https://twitter.com/tracyparral/status/366864514584559617

  6. samantha s

    I tweeted

  7. Amanda Sakovitz

    I always tell them to believe in themselves and that you wont know if you like something or not unless you try it!

    pokergrl8 at gmail.com

  8. susan smoaks

    I encourage our kids to reach for their goals by asking them how they are doing, what they want to do and how they plan to do it!

  9. rachel

    Let them dream big while they’re young and steer them gently as they grow older.

  10. Jessie C.

    I encourage and support them to experience all they like, enjoy the process of trial and error. It was not always pleasant and smooth, however I do believe you got to give them chances to grow.

    tcarolinep at gmail dot com

  11. Amanda

    I love Disney/Pixar. It’s entertaining for hubby and I and fun for our little guy!

  12. Stephanie Larison

    I encourage my daughter to keep trying even when she thinks it’s too difficult to go on. I let her know anything that is truely important to her is worth fighting for to press on.

  13. Mihaela D.

    I encourage my children to achieve their goals by supporting them and by encouraging creativity and confidence

  14. Jessica To

    I encourage my son to try new things at least once. If he’s leery to try something, I’ll try it to show him!

  15. samantha s

    I challenge my kids to follow their dreams by exposing them to diversity and different concepts and helping them to set personal goals for themselves. I’m also very involved in their imaginative play so it helps to build up their confidence and character.

  16. tina reynolds


  17. Cynthia C


  18. Erica Best


  19. Betty C

    Tweet – https://twitter.com/willitara/status/366820570458882048

  20. Tabathia B

    tweet https://twitter.com/ChelleB36/status/366987456995786753

  21. steve weber

    tell them to work hard, and to never give up and don’t listen to what anyone says.

  22. ky2here

    By teaching them critical thinking and supporting their decisions.

  23. Anastasia

    I challenge them by giving them steps to follow in order to reach their goals They want to go to the anime convention, then first they have to do chores to earn the money to get there! It’s not just about giving them work to do though It’s also about supporting and encouraging them and helping them find ways to get to where they want to go ????

  24. Heather S

    I encourage my kiddos by doing lots of different activities with them to foster a love of trying new things! I also sign them up for classes to help them learn and grow and find undiscovered talents!

  25. Melinda

    I encourage him to try new things and expose him to many new things – granted he’s only 8 months, but new book, new toys, new textures, rain on his skin, puddles after the warm summer storms, sandy beaches etc

    You never know what you’ll want to be or do in life until you know what’s out there!

  26. Thomas Murphy

    I tell my kids they can be anything they want if they put the hard work in.

  27. kolpin


  28. Rosanne

    I tell them to Dream Big and never give up to always have HOPE

  29. Heather S


  30. Jessie C.


  31. kolpin

    i think the key is to have them try many things, whether it’s in the arts, sports, or intellectual pursuits, and see what they spark to or are good at–even if it’s not necessarily what you desire. it’s best that they find something that they’re passionate about, not what they feel pushed into doing!

  32. Tabathia B

    By encouraging them to follow their dreams, try different things and to challenge themselves

  33. Karee Alexander

    What an inspiring post on all sides. Since I am Brooks’ mom I think that automatically enters me in the give away. ???? What’s really neat is to see how the Lord inspires them as children and then directs them to bring it to fruition. I love the front row I seat I have in the lives of each of my boys!

  34. Shandell P

    I tweeted here- https://twitter.com/ShanLeAnn/status/356837982738710529

  35. Kelly D

    I try to involve my kids in sports or activities that interest them. I also practice with them and encourage them to try their best to achieve their goals.

  36. HilLesha

    I take the time to listen to my son when he talks about his dreams and passions, even though he is just 7 years old. Even though some may not make sense, I encourage him, and remember that these are his dreams. ????

  37. 10 Dates To Take Your Kids On Before School Starts

    […] 8.) Take Them To See Disney Planes! I don’t care what age your kid is, they should like this one. I’m excited about it! Also, you can score a $100 Fandango gift card right here on this blog if you go to this post. […]

  38. Starr Greenwell


  39. Nicole Larsen

    I encourage my daughter to try new things–types of sports or activities and when I see she is really interested in something I push her to do the best she can at it and constantly be supportive of her in any decision she makes!

  40. Cynthia C

    I try to show them that hard work and practice makes them better at things and they can achieve their goals that way.

  41. Denise S

    I remind my kids that they can do anything they want and that God made everybody with a purpose.

    lazybones344 at gmail dot com

  42. thischickwins

    i let them know i believe in them and ask what their next step would be

  43. justin p

    I encourage them to overcome their fears, celebrate their successes & walk with them through their failures

  44. Dee

    tweeted https://twitter.com/DeeGee13/status/357717117891645442

  45. soha molina


  46. Nicole Larsen

    tweeted https://twitter.com/pittsy82/status/357571718832857089

  47. tina reynolds

    I make sure all three of them know how important, special and unique they are. I also encourage them with lots of positives.

  48. Erica C.

    We give them small tasks that they can complete so they feel confident.


  49. cassandra mccann

    by giving them individual tasks based on their strong point to help them excel


  50. Mami2jcn

    I encourage my children to follow their passions for art and music. My 8 year old is a budding artist, my 10 year old plays guitar and drums, and my 3 year old daughter takes ballet. I applaud their accomplishments and motivate them to keep doing their best.

  51. Mami2jcn


  52. Betty C

    My children are adults now but I always tried to find ways to let them achieve small steps on the way to a big goal.

  53. anna pry

    we homeschool so our kids can focus on subjects that they enjoy and have opportunities to follow their own dreams in life

  54. ashley

    I always tell them that they can do anything they put their mind to

  55. Rhoda Jane

    My husband and I remind our children frequently that they can do anything that honors God that they put their little minds to.

  56. Pauline M

    My kids have many interests and I keep them interested by keeping them involved. For example, my son has a huge fascination with computers, so I set him up with a summer programming camp at our local university!

  57. Starr Greenwell

    Always encourage them and listen to them letting them know you support their dreams.

  58. Erica Best

    i do not have kids but i live when my nephew learn somehing new and trying to find his way in the world

  59. Lorena Keech

    We don’t have children but I can tell you my parents encouraged my brother and me by telling us we could do anything we set our minds to, and if we failed, we had risked only our egos, which would heal.

  60. Jacob LaFountaine

    I have no kids. I would let me just play and learn about interacting with others in sport and fun

  61. Dee

    I have two nieces and I don’t try to encourage them the way a parent would. However, I do try to inspire them and open them up to new interests by taking them on day trips to local museums, concerts, and storytelling events at the library. We participate in arts and crafts classes once a month and bake together. I spend every Saturday morning and afternoon with them while my brother and his wife work so we try to make it a fun experience and I always applaud their efforts! Hopefully they feel comfortable enough to get excited over trying new things at other times! ????

  62. Mary Jensen

    I encourage them to tell me anything. And when they do, I never ever talk them down.

  63. Elena

    I encourage my child by supporting his ideas and dreams and by telling him he can achieve what he wants by working hard

  64. Merle M

    I tell them I’m proud of them. Encourage them to spend their time doing things at which they feel competent and valued

  65. Amanda

    I also tweeted here: https://twitter.com/mrsmccollum/status/356881147000668161

  66. Brittney House

    I encourage my kids by being their biggest and loudest cheerleader! I always let them know that anything can be accomplished if you work hard enough at it and I support them every step of the way!!

    Brittney House [email protected]

  67. Amanda

    I challenge my two kiddos by encouraging them to continue with something they aren’t so great at (yet). It is so easy for kids to expect some sort of instant gratification, reward, or expertiese but many things worth doing well in life take time and hard work. Don’t give up my sweet babes!

  68. Terra Heck

    I challenge my children to follow their dreams by giving positive reinforcement, motivating them often, and enrolling them in classes or teams that help make those dreams become more a reality. Thanks.


  69. clynsg

    My kids are older, so the encouragement frequently consists of being a sounding board as they think out pros and cons, ins and outs of different things. I sometimes point out things they don’t seem to have considered, but it is pretty self-directed by now.

  70. Christina Kastendike

    I have three boys: Sam, 5 Charlie, 3 & Andrew, 2. My husband and I allow are boys to try all kinds of new things and we go on lots of adventures. We show our boys how to get out of their comfort zones by doing things that are out of our comfort zones, like touching bugs :).

  71. Anastasia

    Tweeted ???? – https://twitter.com/Enter_Now/status/358408030431354880

  72. cw

    I give my daughter the freedom to try things in a different way and use her imagination.


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